GENERAL  KNOWLEDGE                              

  1. Father of Modern experimental physiology : Calude Bernard
  2. Father of Genetics : Rev. Gregor Mendel
  3. Father of Modern Genetics : Bateson
  4. Father of Human Genetics/ Biochemical genetics : Arachibald Garrod
  5. Father of Experimental Genetics : T.H. Morgan
  6. Father of Haploid Genetics / Neurospora Genetics : Dodge
  7. Father of Ecology : Theophrastus
  8. Father of Zoology : Aristotle
  9. Father of Biochemistry : Liebig
  10. Father of Epidemiology : John Snow
  11. Father of Plant Pathology : de Bary
  12. Father of Modern Pathology : Rudolf Virchow
  13. Father of Genetic Engineering : Paul Berg
  14. Father of Gene therapy : Anderson
  15. Father of Ethology : Konard Lorentz
  16. Father of Endocrinology : Thomas Addison
  17. Father of Eugenics : Galton
  18. Father of Biology : Aristole
  19. Father of Modern Biology: Linnaeus
  20. Father of Antibiotics : Alexander Fleming
  21. Father of Taxonomy : Carolus Linnaeus
  22. Father of Immunology : Edward Jenner
  23. Father of Microbiology : Anton van Leenuwenhoek
  24. Father of Modern Microbiology : Louis Pasteur
  25. Father of Medical Microbiology : Robert Koch
  26. Father of Pathology : Rudolph Virchow

  1. Father of Bacteriology : Robert Koch
  2. Father of Virology : W.M.Stanley
  3. Father of Embryology : Aristotle
  4. Father of Modern Embryology : Ernst Von Baer
  5. Father of Physiology : Stephan Hales
  6. Father of Cloning : Ian Willmut
  7. Father of Plant anatomy : Grew
  8. Father of Histology (Microscopic anatomy) : Malpighi
  9. Father of Cytology : Robert Hooke
  10. Father of modern Cytology : Swanson
  11. Father of Paleontology : Leonard da Vinci
  12. Father of modern Paleontology : Cuvier
  13. Father of Concept of Evolution: Empedocles
  14. Father of Botany: Theophrastus
  15. Father of Modern Botany : Bauhin
  16. Father of Gerantology : Korenchevsk
  17. Father of Palynology : Erdtman
  18. Father of Stress physiology : Hans Selye
  19. Father of Electrocardiography : Einthoven
  20. Father of DNA Fingerprinting : Alec Jeffery
  21. Father of Mycology : Micheli
  22. Father of Bryology : Hedwig
  23. Father of Phycology:Father of ATP cycle: Lipmann
  24. Father of Chemotherapy :Father of Anatomy : Herophilus
  25. Father of Modern Anatomy : Andrea


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